CMSC 23230/CMSC 33230: Engineering Interactive Electronics onto Printed Circuit Boards

Mar 28 Lecture 1: Making your first PCB (introduction to PCB routing, multi-layers, datasheets are key)
Apr 2 Lab 1: review your schematic + KICAD tips & tricks
Apr 4 Lecture 2: Ordering our 1st PCB (notes on traces and GERBERs) + Setting up a 8-bit microcontroller on your PCB (crystals, decouplers, datasheets)
Apr 9 Lab 2: Soldering tutorials—hands on!
Apr 11 Lecture 3: More microcontrollers: from 8 bit to 32 bit microcontroller
Apr 16 Lab 3: Review of our PCBs + update on shipping
Apr 18 Lecture 4: Protocols for sensors: I2C, SPI, UART (also USB) + ATtiny helpdesk
Apr 23 Lab 4: ATtiny is working + review PCB mistakes + Final review for your PCBs (mandatory)
Apr 25 Lecture 5: Order final project PCBs in class (add to cart in realtime)
Apr 30 Lab 5: Solder and debug your ATtiny
May 2 Lecture 6: Watch video with review of PCB mistakes—learn from them!
May 7 Lab 6: PCB status and review of mistakes
May 9 Lecture 7: (hopefully) Receive your PCB
May 14 Lab 7: Confirm your bootloader & programming your microcontroller
May 16 Lecture 8: Soldering + debugging helpdesk
May 21 Lab 8: Helpdesk
May 23 Lecture 9: Final presentations: demo your final PCB & present its design to the class